What to bring with you for your tax filing:
Picture ID for you and your spouse, if married and filing jointly
Social Security cards and birth dates for you, your spouse, and children you are claiming
W-2 forms for jobs held during the tax year 1099 forms, such as 1099G, 1099Misc, 1099Int
Any letter or notice you received from the IRS
A copy of last year’s return if you did not file with us.
For a faster refund that is directly deposited, bring your savings and/or checking account routing numbers
Your spouse, if married filing jointly.
Other receipts that may increase your tax refund:
If you paid for child care— documentation listing provider name, address, tax ID#, and amount paid
If you, your spouse, or a child attended college— tuition expense statement (1098T) and/or student loan interest
statement (1098E)
Documentation of court-ordered child support
Home interest and property taxes paid
Medical bills paid
Charitable contributions made during the year
We have been filing tax returns for over 25 years and would be happy to do your tax return.